Saturday, February 23, 2008

Apple Spiced Oatmeal (237kc)

Apple Spiced Oatmeal (237kcal)

  • 1/4 c. instant oats (75 kcal)
  • 1/4 c. multi-grain hot cereal (65 kcal)
  • 3 grams chia seeds (15 kcal)
  • 3 grams ground flax seeds (16 kcal)
  • 1 small apple, finely diced (66 kcal)
  • 2 tea bags
  • 3 cups of water
  • sweetener if desired
Steep your teabags in hot water for at least 5 minutes.  Add all ingedients and microwave 2-4 minutes.  Stir until oatmeal thickens. I make this at my office with only the microwave and water cooler/heater.  I pre-measure my chia and flax at home.  The tea I use is Good Earth Original which is outrageous.  I love it so much - it is super strong, sweet and spicy.  Notice that I use an inordinate amount of water - 3 times the amount called for for the serving of oats.  I microwave for 4 minutes on top of using hot tea to begin with, and then I stir stir STIR as it cools, I end up with a super fluffy almost parfait-like bowl of porridge.  It's amazing

You can add all sorts of things to this to add more nutrients and flavor. Try: 1/4 c. pumpkin honey seeds dried fruits chopped nuts... just be careful of calories!

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