Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Checking in!

As I expected, I haven't really felt the burning desire to blog anything as nothing significant has happened this past month. 

I felt like I was stuck hovering at 222 lbs for 3 weeks there.  It was hard! But I knew I was on target.  I did take a weekend "off" and forced (LITERALLY FORCED) myself to heat 2000 calories on each day to do a kick-start to the old metabolism.  It must have worked as the scale finally registered 216.4 on my Sunday weigh-in.

I do feel a little guilty about my calorie counts the past few days (hence, this post to be honest).  I don't have an accurate count for Wednesday - Saturday, and then I knowingly went over my allotment on Monday.  It went something like this: Wednesday, out to lunch with work.  Thursday, out to dinner with friends. Friday, all day conference foods (luckily, healthy).  Saturday, order in sushi dinner.  Sunday on target.  Monday 1469.  I am supposed to be at 1290 for this weight to maintain the 2 pound a week loss.

Well, my decision is, since my body really likes 1400 calories, that is where I will remain, and I will work on getting 300 calorie deficit worth of exercise in per day.  And I have started exercising! I take my morning 10 minute dog walk, then during the day I take 2 15-minute walks that are partially hilled, followed by climbing 4 flights of stairs.  Plus I do another 4 flights at lunch.  AND I even started doing my 30 minute walk + short bursts of jogging.  OK I did that ONCE so far, but I am going to to do it today, I promise, and every day henceforth.

If only my legs would stop being so dang sore LOL

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